Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 8th of April 2020
career counsellor career assessmentPsychometric Test is a scientific tool used by career counsellors to understand one s interest, skills, personality, strength & weakness with accuracy.
Below mentioned theories are widely used by career experts.
1) Myers Briggs Type Indicator - Personality test 2) Holland Codes - Career Interest. RIASEC
Along with the above assessment Top counsellors perform the following tests & Equip candidate with 5D Career Assessment Report.
1) Personality Analysis 2)Career motivator Analysis 3) Career Interest 4)Learning Style 5) Skills & Abilities
Based on this report most suitable career path is determined to reach their dream career
Several theories have been used to design psychometric tests used for career guidance. And all the theories are widely accepted: one is Holland theory, another is Jung's theory of personality types. Another common theory is Big five personality traits. So it is not uncommon to see different types of tests being used in different places.
There are many psychometric theories used in career assessment.
But one of the theory that interest me the most is called Holland personality type theory.
According to this theory there are six type of personalities that like to work in six type of different environments.
I love to take personality test but that is not enough. I also like to take skill test. These tests are available with edumilestones company. So I prefer to take that tests.
There are other test also that I love to connect. I offer self Discovery program to choose the best career for you. That course also offer you other benefits like how to choose business partner and how to choose life partner with how to choose right career.
You may call me at 9426 214 800.
I offer online video conference coaching ine training and conduct psychometric tests online
I have already answered this question but I wish to share something more on this.
I have spent nearly 20 years into career counselling. I have gone through many psychometric tests.
But I was very much impressed by the RAISEC personality type test.
But I found a very dangerous kind of things while I conducted tests on hundreds of students. Most of the students do not understand the words correctly. So, they interpret according to their own understanding.
As for example, the meaning of love may be different for male and female. In fact meaning of love maybe having many meanings , many responses.
If you want to know the values of 10 standard student who is interested to find out the best career it will be very difficult because they really do not know what that values are.
It is better to play with them the psychometric games, that is also known as the experiential games, that help them to know themselves better n it is very easy for career counselor to you know them better and predict about their future career.
As for example there is a very nice game call ringtones game that help them to know their risk taking abilities. Then you can easily say about their motivations..
Is he a career motivated are relationship motivated for power motivated...
So I want to create online games so we can identify them early and we can understand more about their values and motivations.
I am waiting for the psychologist in the technologist so I can work with them to create a very effective psychometric tests that accurately define everyone so he can choose the most accurate career top most career for them in sign out in the world
Most of test theory (psychometrics) derives from one of three conceptual and associated statistical models: (a) classical test theory, derived from factor analysis; (b) generalizability theory, derived from the analysis of variance; (c) item response models, derived from latent trait theory.
Psychometric Career Assessment depends upon the Career Psychometric and Skills & Abilities Assessment based on MBTI and Holland Personality type.
Career Psychometrics are :-
1) Career Personality
2) Career Interest
3) Career Values
Skills & Abilities Assessments are :-
1) Verbal
2) Numerical
3) Logical
4) Social
5) Clerical
6) Visualization
7) Mechanical
8) Leadership
9) Memorization